Friday, August 20, 2010

How can you tell flirting from someone just being a big flirt?

I like this guy in my class, and he kinda flirts with me a bit, but I don't know if it means anything because he might just be an all over big flirt.

Also, are these signs he might like me?

He does something funny, then looks at me to see if I'm laughing

He turns to me in class and smiles at me jokingly

he laughs when I laugh

he picks on me

Of course, we may be a social status difference, but I';m not sure because we're in different grades, and I just met him this year. He failed a grade I guess haha, so we're actually the same age.

So how can you tell flirting from just an all over big flirt?How can you tell flirting from someone just being a big flirt?
if he looks at you alot then he most likely likes you. If he flirts with u, but doesnt actually talk to u much, then he's probably just a flirtHow can you tell flirting from someone just being a big flirt?
He sounds like a big flirt. Do you notice him do that with other girls?

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