Hmm, no, that's a smidgen awkward. Make eye contact. Smile. Relax, it's no big thing. Be confident--no one can resist a little sexy confidence. Sit up straight. Stand with your arms to your side and your toes pointed inward just slightly. Make good conversation, keep it flowing. Giggle, but not too much. Compliment him genuinely once or twice. Softly touch his arm, hand, or knee. Best of luck!What are some good ways to flirt with someone?
Giggling is Definitely a good idea. Laugh at his jokes no matter how bad they are.
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U wink, smile, twink ur nose at him. Touch him when u talk to him, bump into him on propose and play like u didn't mean to, rub his back
Haha, that makeup thing was funny, I don't think I would be comfortable with someone putting makeup on me :)
Just be yourself, talk to him about casual stuff, and try to find out what his interests are, his background, that sort of thing. Make sure you don't seem too desperate or come on too strong.
Establish eye contact; smile ... keep the eye contact for as few seconds and then look away. If you are able to talk to the person give one or two compliments that would encourage more light conversation - stay away from world politics etc. Depending on how much you are interested in this person, lightly touching their arm could also get the 'electricity' flowing. HOWEVER, BE CAREFUL NOT TO SEND THE WRONG MESSAGE!!!!
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